gcloud formatting output

GCP : output in table format using gcloud sdk tool

The Google Cloud Platform(GCP) provides a handy CLI tool to interact with its service – gcp cloud sdk or gcloud command. Here are some tips to format the output of this command in a tabular format.

Let us list the zones in GCP and by default this is what the output looks like –

$ gcloud compute zones list
NAME                       REGION                   STATUS  NEXT_MAINTENANCE  TURNDOWN_DATE
us-east1-b                 us-east1                 UP
us-east1-c                 us-east1                 UP
us-east1-d                 us-east1                 UP
us-east4-c                 us-east4                 UP
us-east4-b                 us-east4                 UP
us-east4-a                 us-east4                 UP
us-central1-c              us-central1              UP
us-central1-a              us-central1              UP
us-central1-f              us-central1              UP
us-central1-b              us-central1              UP
us-west1-b                 us-west1                 UP
us-west1-c                 us-west1                 UP
us-west1-a                 us-west1                 UP
europe-west4-a             europe-west4             UP
europe-west4-b             europe-west4             UP
europe-west4-c             europe-west4             UP
europe-west1-b             europe-west1             UP
europe-west1-d             europe-west1             UP
europe-west1-c             europe-west1             UP
europe-west3-c             europe-west3             UP
europe-west3-a             europe-west3             UP
europe-west3-b             europe-west3             UP
europe-west2-c             europe-west2             UP
europe-west2-b             europe-west2             UP
europe-west2-a             europe-west2             UP
asia-east1-b               asia-east1               UP
asia-east1-a               asia-east1               UP
asia-east1-c               asia-east1               UP
asia-southeast1-b          asia-southeast1          UP
asia-southeast1-a          asia-southeast1          UP
asia-southeast1-c          asia-southeast1          UP
asia-northeast1-b          asia-northeast1          UP
asia-northeast1-c          asia-northeast1          UP
asia-northeast1-a          asia-northeast1          UP
asia-south1-c              asia-south1              UP
asia-south1-b              asia-south1              UP
asia-south1-a              asia-south1              UP
australia-southeast1-b     australia-southeast1     UP
australia-southeast1-c     australia-southeast1     UP
australia-southeast1-a     australia-southeast1     UP
southamerica-east1-b       southamerica-east1       UP
southamerica-east1-c       southamerica-east1       UP
southamerica-east1-a       southamerica-east1       UP
asia-east2-a               asia-east2               UP
asia-east2-b               asia-east2               UP
asia-east2-c               asia-east2               UP
asia-northeast2-a          asia-northeast2          UP
asia-northeast2-b          asia-northeast2          UP
asia-northeast2-c          asia-northeast2          UP
asia-northeast3-a          asia-northeast3          UP
asia-northeast3-b          asia-northeast3          UP
asia-northeast3-c          asia-northeast3          UP
europe-north1-a            europe-north1            UP
europe-north1-b            europe-north1            UP
europe-north1-c            europe-north1            UP
europe-west6-a             europe-west6             UP
europe-west6-b             europe-west6             UP
europe-west6-c             europe-west6             UP
northamerica-northeast1-a  northamerica-northeast1  UP
northamerica-northeast1-b  northamerica-northeast1  UP
northamerica-northeast1-c  northamerica-northeast1  UP
us-west2-a                 us-west2                 UP
us-west2-b                 us-west2                 UP
us-west2-c                 us-west2                 UP

Now let us output this in tabular format and only print the GCP zones we are interested in –

$ gcloud compute zones  list --format="table[box,title=GCP-REGIONS](name,region,status)" --filter='name~europe'
│               GCP-REGIONS                │
│       NAME      │     REGION    │ STATUS │
│ europe-west4-a  │ europe-west4  │ UP     │
│ europe-west4-b  │ europe-west4  │ UP     │
│ europe-west4-c  │ europe-west4  │ UP     │
│ europe-west1-b  │ europe-west1  │ UP     │
│ europe-west1-d  │ europe-west1  │ UP     │
│ europe-west1-c  │ europe-west1  │ UP     │
│ europe-west3-c  │ europe-west3  │ UP     │
│ europe-west3-a  │ europe-west3  │ UP     │
│ europe-west3-b  │ europe-west3  │ UP     │
│ europe-west2-c  │ europe-west2  │ UP     │
│ europe-west2-b  │ europe-west2  │ UP     │
│ europe-west2-a  │ europe-west2  │ UP     │
│ europe-north1-a │ europe-north1 │ UP     │
│ europe-north1-b │ europe-north1 │ UP     │
│ europe-north1-c │ europe-north1 │ UP     │
│ europe-west6-a  │ europe-west6  │ UP     │
│ europe-west6-b  │ europe-west6  │ UP     │
│ europe-west6-c  │ europe-west6  │ UP     │

You can get more details on formatting your output with –

gcloud topic formats --help

References –




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